I have not been very “Consistently Persistent” lately.  In fact I have fallen off the wagon over the past couple of months.  I was so inspired when I started this blog and I was even more inspired when I built and started pitching my website (www.OurHealthyVillage.com …Check it out! 😉 ) back in March.  I thought I would be an automatic success and I would be able to blog about it, maybe write a book and do some talks and help others achieve their goals… And then I realized delays and set backs.  I basically ran out of money to live off of while I was getting my website out there.  As a result I have had to put things on the back burner and work towards other aims just to get by….

But “this morning I woke up feeling brand new, I jumped up, feeling my highs and my lows, in my soul and my goals…”  I love Talib Kweli!

I started the day off with a quick meditation and took a walk.  While I walked I was listening to a Seth Godin podcast and Tom Ziglar, Zig Ziglar’s son, was being interviewed.  If you have never heard any of Zig Ziglar’s talks, I highly recommend that you check him out, especially if you are a fellow entrepreneur.  Very motivational.  Anyhow, so Tom Ziglar mentioned an idea of his dad’s which was the idea of being consistently persistent.  I looked inward and asked myself if I was truly being consistently persistent.  Just the fact that I haven’t written a blog in months answers that question.  So here I am, giving it another shot.

The best part of where I am sitting right now is the fact that I have experienced a great set back and a huge disappointment after spending so much time talking myself and my ideas for the website up to where I thought it was going to be too easy.  It has been a good reality check, but at the same time, to tell myself that I won’t back down, that I want to make this work, that I AM going to make this work… I am going to work towards being consistently persistent and success will just follow!

Thanks for reading and have a great day! 🙂