Tag Archive: Forbes 400

I have not been very “Consistently Persistent” lately.  In fact I have fallen off the wagon over the past couple of months.  I was so inspired when I started this blog and I was even more inspired when I built and started pitching my website (www.OurHealthyVillage.com …Check it out! 😉 ) back in March.  I thought I would be an automatic success and I would be able to blog about it, maybe write a book and do some talks and help others achieve their goals… And then I realized delays and set backs.  I basically ran out of money to live off of while I was getting my website out there.  As a result I have had to put things on the back burner and work towards other aims just to get by….

But “this morning I woke up feeling brand new, I jumped up, feeling my highs and my lows, in my soul and my goals…”  I love Talib Kweli!

I started the day off with a quick meditation and took a walk.  While I walked I was listening to a Seth Godin podcast and Tom Ziglar, Zig Ziglar’s son, was being interviewed.  If you have never heard any of Zig Ziglar’s talks, I highly recommend that you check him out, especially if you are a fellow entrepreneur.  Very motivational.  Anyhow, so Tom Ziglar mentioned an idea of his dad’s which was the idea of being consistently persistent.  I looked inward and asked myself if I was truly being consistently persistent.  Just the fact that I haven’t written a blog in months answers that question.  So here I am, giving it another shot.

The best part of where I am sitting right now is the fact that I have experienced a great set back and a huge disappointment after spending so much time talking myself and my ideas for the website up to where I thought it was going to be too easy.  It has been a good reality check, but at the same time, to tell myself that I won’t back down, that I want to make this work, that I AM going to make this work… I am going to work towards being consistently persistent and success will just follow!

Thanks for reading and have a great day! 🙂

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible!” –Audrey Hepburn

I have read quite a few books now on success, entrepreneurship, business planning, motivation, inspiration, etc.  and what I have found to be the absolute common denominator  that most all the successful people seem to agree on is that if you truly believe, you will succeed.  It we have the vision of success so deeply rooted into our minds and allow no other option, then it is in fact just a matter of time.

Some might suggest this to be wishful thinking but not very realistic.  I look to those that have ever made the decision to run a marathon.  The idea of running a marathon is so “impossible” to many, but the fact is that so many people have put their mind to it, stayed determined, made the time and put in the work to condition themselves, and they have achieved that amazing goal of running 26 miles!

What is so beautiful about the time that we are now living in, is that we all have immediate access to the experience, knowledge and wisdom of those that came before us and were successful.  We have all the tools and resources we need at a click of the mouse.  So there is no reason not to achieve our goals, make our dreams come true, be successful and wealthy.  Nothing in this world is impossible.. improbable, maybe…challenging, of course…but certainly not impossible.  I read this amazing article on Forbes.com “By Their Bootstraps: Billionaires Who Started From Scratch” and it notes many of the wealthiest people and how at one point they were just like you and me, hanging on to a dream, and fighting for that success…

Howard Schultz grew up in the projects in Brooklyn. John Paul DeJoria sold shampoo while living out of his car. Oprah’s first audience was the congregation at her grandmother’s church in rural Mississippi. Today they are all billionaires, folks with 10-figure fortunes who grew up in the school of hard knocks.

Of the billionaires on the 2013 Forbes 400 list, 273 qualify as “self-made.”

– Kathryn Dill


Out of 400, 273 started out from nothing!  No backing, no money, and some with little education.  I don’t know about you, but that really gets me motivated!  Makes me want to spend every waking hour trying to improve my chances!

We are so lucky to be here, in this part of the world, in this moment in time, with all these resources!  So let’s get on it!  I implore everyone to write down there dreams and aspirations, and then write down a plan as to how you can accomplish it.  Why not?  What is the worst that could happen?  You dive deeper into it and find that maybe your idea isn’t as solid as you originally thought and you might have to tweak it a little, which in turn might open up the flood gates, dispel the negative thoughts as to why it wouldn’t work, and finally get moving in the direction towards your wealth and success!  Then send the same message out to your loved one, your children especially!  Let’s all move up on the chain together!  Let’s build a society full of optimistic, successful, inspired, motivated, and innovative people!  Let’s build a generation full of people that knows anything is possible!